Jason Oberlander: Chief Commercial Officer, ASM Global
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. "
That little pearl of Aristotelian wisdom is probably one of the most frequently used (or overused) phrases in the business world. But the meaning can be a little opaque at times.
Well, unless you’re Jason Oberlander, the Chief Commercial Officer for ASM Global. He knows exactly what it means.
You see, Jason is charged with generating commercial activity for ASM’s network of over 350 stadiums, arenas, convention centers and other facilities located around the world. Driving revenue is increasingly tied to constructing a single platform for his partners from all those different parts.
In our conversation, Jason and I talk about how ASM plans to accomplish that lofty goal, lessons learned from the COVID era, what goes into developing a great partnership, and much more. You’ll even get a little French lesson.