
Megan Sheffield: Director of Brand Partnerships, Zappos

Let’s take a second and define the meaning of the word “bananas”. Yes, it’s a yellow fruit you need to take care not to slip on. But that’s not the definition I’m thinking of right now. I’m thinking of the bananas that means “crazy”. “wacky”. “Bonkers”. And so, with that definition in mind, you know what’s truly bananas? Pitching an extensive partnership with the Savanah Bananas, a sports property that didn’t even do sponsorship, to a brand you don’t even work for. But that’s exactly what Megan Sheffield, now Director of Brand Partnerships for Zappos, did. And the result is Zappos incredible partnership with the social media darling Savannah Bananas and their World Tour. If you’re not familiar with either Zappos or the Bananas, my conversation with Megan will get you up to speed. It’s hard to imagine a better fit between two organizations, and Megan was the first to see it. We talk about that moment of “aha!” when she first encountered the world’s most irreverent sports team, what the Bananas understand about the future of sports and entertainment, and what lessons teams and leagues can learn from their partnership. So settle in, listen up, and let’s go bananas. And Zappos.

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Sports Business Conversations
In depth interviews with sports business leaders